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Regimental History > Battle Honours
Battle Honours
For a particularly brave or sustained action a regiment may be given a Battle Honour. These can be recorded on the Colours. The chart opposite lists those Battle Honours which appear on the Royal Norfolk Regiment's Colours. Another 43 Battle Honours were awarded to the Regiment but are not shown on the Colours.
water colour date lne
The changing uniform of the Regiment from a number of watercolours by R. Simpkin in the Museum collection.
Seven Years War (1756-1763)
buller point Belleisle
buller point Havannah
French Revolutionary War (1793-1805)
buller point Martinique (1794)
Peninsular War (1808-1814)
buller point Rolica
buller point Vimiera
buller point Corunna
buller point Busaco
buller point Salamanca
buller point Vittoria
buller point St.Sebastian
buller point Nive
buller point Peninsula
First Afghan War (1838-1842)
buller point Cabool (1842)
First Sikh War (1845-1846)
buller point Moodkee
buller point Ferozeshah
buller point Sobraon
Crimean War (1854-1856)
buller point Sevastopol
Second Afghan War (1878-1880)
buller point Kabul (1879)
buller point Afghanistan (1879-80)
Boer War (1899-1902)
buller point Paardeberg
buller point South Africa (1900-02)
First World War (1914-1918)
buller point Mons
buller point Le Cateau
buller point Marne (1914)
buller point Ypres (1914)
buller point Somme (1916,1918)
buller point Hindenberg Line
buller point Landing at Suvla
buller point Gaza
buller point Shaiba
buller point Kut el Amara (1915,1917)
Second World War (1939-1945)
buller point St. Omer La Bassee
buller point Normandy Landing
buller point Brieux Bridgehead
buller point Venraij
buller point Rhineland
buller point North West Europe (1940, 1945)
buller point Singapore Island
buller point Kohima
buller point Aradura (1944 -1945 )
buller point Burma
buller point Korean War (1950-1953)
bullet point What is a Regiment?
bullet point From 9th to Norfolk
bullet point The Changing Name of The Regimet
bullet point Colours
bullet point Battle Honours
bullet point Britannia
bullet point Holy Boys
bullet point The Regiment in The First World War
bullet point The Second World War
bullet point The Regiment After the War
bullet point National Service
bullet point The Korean War
bullet point Hong Kong & The New Territories
bullet point The Cyprus Emergency 1955-59
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